Steps Towards Sustainability
Like many innovative local
Councils, Maroondah City Council has committed itself to leading
their local community to a sustainable lifestyle. In that context
it has developed a range of strategic goals for the local environment.
In 1999 the Council was involved in following initiatives to achieve
these goals.

Maroondah Civic Centre
Participation in the Cities for
Climate Protection Campaign - an international program intended
to reduce greenhouse gas emissions within Council and community
Wastewise program - a local
initiative to facilitate waste minimisation and litter education
programs in Maroondah
Environment Consultative Committee
- a community committee which advises Council on its environmental
Environment Monitor Unit (EMU)
- a group of Council staff who undertake waste minimisation and
energy conservation within Council operations
Waterways strategy - a plan
to enhance the recreational, amenity, habitat, water quality and
open space values along Maroondah's waterways and waterway reserves.
Brushy Creek Wildlife Corridor
Revegetation program involving the community.
Weedwise program - an incentive
scheme to encourage residents to remove weeds which invade nearby
bushland, thus reducing its biodiversity. A Pest Plant brochure
is available for residents to help identify and control major weeds
and a Flora of Maroondah poster helps to identify indigenous species
needing protection.
Training staff in a Home Energy
Rating Scheme for new houses being built in Maroondah.
Elm Leaf beetle advice and
control kits for residents
Chemical use policy for Council
Work for the Dole program involving
participants in weed removal in Hochkins Ridge Flora Reserve
Sponsorship of a number of schools
in the Schools for a Sustainable Future program. Council will
sponsor a further four schools in 2000.
We hope that through SFSF activities,
current generations of children will better understand sustainability
and pass this message onto family and friends and their own children
in the future.
While Council can facilitate a number
of these programs and set an example in its environmental activities,
true success relies on community participation and ownership of
their local area.
This involves recognising how day to
day behaviour, such as energy use in the home, responsible control
of garden weeds and minimising waste plays a crucial role in maintaining
and improving our quality of life.
Council and other organisations can
help answer questions relating to these matters and hopes that its
activities can raise awareness and change attitudes within the community
to help us all live more sustainably.
Vivienne Fraser
Conservation Planner
Maroondah Council
Email: maroondah@maroondah.vic.gov.au