Melbourne Australia

Schools For a Sustainable Future

Joseph Natoli, SFSF Project Director, surrounded by happy, enthusiastic children
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Joseph Natoli, SFSF Project Director

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Professional Development Course

The Principal/ Environment Coordinator

In 2005 our school will have …

"It's February 2005. You look out the window and catch Blakey - Grade 5's pet stumpy tail lizard sunning himself in your school wetland. He's oblivious to the "oohs and aahs" of the Grade 4's discovering the myriad life forms in their pond. Meanwhile your Grade I's are busily planting and weeding vegies (with judicious help from the Grade 5's) in the no-dig garden. Your solar panels are pouring energy (and money) into your school.

Actually it is simply beautiful."


Can you visualise this in your school?

Schools for a Sustainable Future is committed to encouraging, supporting and recognising schools to become leaders in practical environmental projects. We believe (along with 1500 international scientists) that the need to create more sustainable lifestyles is urgent. We know that the first and best place to start is in our schools


How can you begin?

First you must want to…. As Principal or teacher there has to be commitment to putting environmental issues into practice in your school. If you have that desire SFSF can offer a unique P.D. course that will help turn your commitment into an outstanding result.


What makes our course unique?

  • Ideas and resources from a wide range of environmental organisations
  • Our Worming into the Community program: successfully run in over 70 schools.
  • Teachers having ongoing support as they tackle the challenges of putting ideas into actuality.
  • Networking with other enthusiastic and committed teachers offers mutual support.
  • SFSF will be seeking financial support from businesses to fund school projects.
Have a look at the achievements of the schools we have briefly covered in our newsletters. If you can see the curriculum and community value of establishing these projects in your school then we look forward to receiving an application from one (or more ! ) teachers for our course.

For any further information please contact Joseph Natoli on (03) 9579-7224.

Yours sincerely

Joseph Natoli, Project Director
-Feb 2000


Professional Development Course                   Enrolment Form


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Schools For a Sustainable Future

1 Curdies St.
E. Bentleigh Vic. 3165
Joe Natoli
Ph: (03) 9579-7224     Fax: (03) 9579-6153      Mobile: 0411-568-523

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© 2000 Schools for a Sustainable Future