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Not so green, less than
Further Reading - Websites
by Claire Miller
Environmental Reporter
State of the Environment
Report, Commonwealth of Australia.
Natural Advantage: a blueprint
for a sustainable Australia, Australian Conservation Foundation.
CSIRO website: http://www.csiro.au/
Australian Greenhouse
Office: http://www.greenhouse.gov.au/
Australia Institute: http://www.tai.org.au/
Signing of the World
Heritage Convention marks the beginning of the establishment of
world heritage areas in Australia.
National Parks and
Wildlife Conservation Act passed.
Completion of the
first national inter-government collaborative study on the state
of Australian soils. The report finds that more than 52 per cent
of the nation's agricultural and pastoral land needs treatment
for degradation.
River Murray Commission
is given authority to initiate proposals to protect and improve
the Murray waters.
State agriculture
ministers unanimously call for a national soil conservation policy.
The ACF successfully
lobbies the government to stop Tasmania's Franklin River dam.
Victorian Government
creates a new department called the Land Protection Service.
The Commission for
the Future established to "raise community awareness and understanding
of the social and economic impact of technological change".
According to the
CSIRO, the salinity level of the Murray River could rise dramatically
in the next 30 years.
Victorian Government
introduces Landcare, a project in which community groups, with
government assistance, try to patch up and prevent land degradation
through salinity and erosion.
Ian Kiernan and Kim
McKay found Clean Up Australia Day.
Victorian Government
launches "Salt Action: Joint Action". In February 1987 the Victorian
Government promised to spend $90 million, including Commonwealth
funding, to fight salinity over the next 10 years.
Australia's first
$45 million National Soil Conservation Strategy is launched.
Hawke Government
initiates Greening Australia - a "one billion trees program",
with the aim of having them planted by the turn of the century.
Prime Minister Bob
Hawke announces that Australia will have an environmental database,
costing $4 million over two years, to bring together the scattered
information needed to improve environmental planning and decision-making.
Landcare Australia
launched to raise awareness and corporate sponsorship for landcarers.
Federal Government
Greenhouse gas inventory shows land clearing accounts for 25 per
cent of greenhouse emissions.
The Keating Government
orders a reduction in the export of woodchips to 5.3 million.
This comes after decades of sustained campaigns by conservation
The Howard Government
launches its Australian Oceans policy with focus on rebuilding,
conserving and improving coastal planning.
Federal Government
announces a $1.4 billion 10-year salinity proposal.
Loss Landclearing
Water Global
The Age Publication
1st November 2000
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