Schools For a Sustainable Future |
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Peter will outline a pilot project which is assisting NSW schools undertake waste, water and energy audits and develop the policies, committees and structures to implement effective long term changes in school practices.
Southmoor has integrated a wide range of environmental projects (wetlands, vegetable gardens, chooks, weather stations and much much more) into the school grounds and curriculum. Their experience and observations will be invaluable for schools committed to becoming leaders in learning from the environment.
Learnscapes offers a powerful tool for schools to design and integrate exciting environmental projects into their grounds and the curriculum. Learnscapes is taking off in Melbourne with Southmoor P.S and 4 other schools planning whole school environments through the model.
Waste Wise has had outstanding successes in assisting re-use and recycle waste. Pat will highlight the achievements of schools to date.
PLUS If your passion is helping your school become an environmental leader in your community - we will see you there. |
© 2000 Schools for
a Sustainable Future