- Schools For a Sustainable Future synergy vol 1 issue 1 |
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Effective waste and litter education in schools offers a number of important benefits. This is increasingly being recognised by schools, as can be seen from the many school requests or advice and resource materials that EcoRecycle Victoria receives. Some schools have already established impressive programs and EcoRecycle Victoria has been working closely with school and other organisations, in consultation with the Department of Education and Catholic Education Office, to research and develop effective approaches for waste and litter education. A best practice approach to waste and litter education involves the integration of curriculum and waste conscious school operations, which offers not only educational benefits and reduced environmental impact, but also cost savings to the school and, in many local communities, a valuable element for a school's marketing strategy. A key focus is to help schools use waste and litter as a theme within Key Learning Areas and VCE Studies, rather than as an "add-on" which requires extracurriculum time. Environmental issues such as waste and litter have shown themselves to be very useful themes which schools can use to simultaneously address both environmental/SOSE learning outcomes and outcomes in a diversity of other Key Learning Areas (Science, English LOTE, Technology, Arts, Health and PE, Mathematics) and at various CSF levels. Educational materials to suit specific KLA's and CSF levels, and VCE Studies, have been developed and some have already been released. A number of features have emerged as being of particular importance in school curricula for achieving the motivation, understanding and action skills students need as a basis for minimising waste and litter throughout their lives. These features are as follows:
An issue of particular concern to schools is the availability of cost effective recycling collection services. This is affected by fluctuating levels of supply and demand (and consequently buy-back prices) for recycled materials in this young and rapidly evolving area. It is important to keep in mind that schools can derive substantial benefit from action to reduce, reuse and compost, regardless of whether recycling services are feasible at any point in time. There is great potential for businesses and councils to help their local community to minimise waste and litter by supporting school programs that increase the knowledge, skills and commitment needed for each individual to take effective action in their present and future lives.
This program is funded by EcoRecycle Victoria and managed by the Gould League. It will be carried out in coordination with the various providers of waste and litter education materials and services, and the system of regional waste management groups and education officers being set up throughout the state.
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