... tread lightly

To: Principals, Teachers, school community
How serious an issue is Climate Change? What effect will it have on our schools, our
communities, our planet? What collective actions must we take to deal with the inevitable
aspects of a changing climate while forestalling the worst consequences?
2007 will be the year in which our community has to decide to take swift, concerted,
collective action to address climate change.
As part of this process Tread Lightly will be
working with school communities on a three pronged approach. -
Informing key teachers and parents on the implications of the most recent global
warming research. Much of this work has still not reached broad public knowledge
and in particular does not seem to have penetrated official Government thinking
Offering professional development programs which can help school communities
make the rapid changes that will be required to reduce our climate impact
Outlining the big picture and small picture changes required and encouraging
school communities to demand appropriate action from our political leaders.
We are offering 2 big presentations to schools on Thursday April 26 and Wednesday 6th June.
In just over 3 hours we will take you through the evidence and imminent
consequences of climate change, and then a picture of what our societies need to do and
can do to escape the worst effects.
We invite your most influential teachers and students to these sessions and look forward
to energising a community that respects the need for forward planning and a sustainable
future for all our children.
download registration form-more details (150kb zip-pdf)
For further information please contact
WREC on 9731 0288.
Joseph Natoli Project Manger EcoFootprint Harry van Moorst Director WREC
WREC PO Box 464 Werribee 3030 ecofoot@envirowest.org.au